Space and Radio Science News and Opportunities—January 2021

Space and Radio Science News and Opportunities

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The National Committee provides this regular emailed newsletter containing updates from international scientific unions and committees and news related to the local scientific community, relevant funding opportunities, conferences and awards.

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January 2021

Foreword from the National Committee for Space and Radio Science

Dear colleagues,

Welcome to 2021. As we begin the new year the National Committee for Space and Radio Science moves closer to the release of a new strategic plan for Australian space science. Our society is increasingly dependent on space derived services, while the burgeoning pace of space activity will unleash new opportunities and risks. The Plan outlines a framework for space science to advance Australia’s interests and priorities by contributing to discovery and innovation, the economy, security, society, and the workforce. Space science is a fundamental enabler for space industry and applications, and Australia’s world-class expertise in space science is critical for effectively leveraging these opportunities and mitigating risks.

The plan has been in development for some time and has been informed by several expert working groups, surveys and consultations. Now ready for public consultation, a summary of the draft can be found here for review.

The NCSRS invites you to attend the following public consultation event timed to coincide with the international COSPAR space science conference.

Space science plan public consultation: 2nd February 2021, 14:00-15:30 AEDT

Attendance is free and open to any interested person, but you will be required to register in advance. The event provides an opportunity to learn about key aspects of the Plan, and to provide constructive feedback helping shape the Plan for the benefit of all Australians. If you are unable to attend, you are also welcome to provide written feedback when the full draft document is available.

For further information about community involvement and consultation opportunities check out:

The NCSRS look forward to receiving your feedback and opinions on the Plan.

Emeritus Professor Fred Menk
Chair, National Committee for Space and Radio Science

© 2025 Australian Academy of Science
