Message from the Chief Executive—September 2018

September 26, 2018

Welcome to the September newsletter. This month the Academy commenced its formal consultations to inform the development of the Decadal Plan for Women in STEM. I am delighted that some 500 individuals have registered to participate in face-to-face consultations being held across Australia and I know many more are preparing written submissions. 

The development of this 10-year roadmap to enable participation, retention and success of women and girls in STEM represents a unique opportunity to take a long term view on how we can all push in the same direction and remove barriers faced by women and girls in STEM. Find out more if you would like to participate.

The Academy has welcomed the new Minister for Industry, Science and Technology, the Hon Karen Andrews. The Academy has worked extensively with Minister Andrews over the years in her previous portfolios and as co-convenor of the Parliamentary Friends of Science and we look forward to an active dialogue with her on science matters.

Finally, keep an eye on the Academy’s Facebook page as we are about to hit one million followers. If you haven’t yet liked our Facebook page, be sure to do so—you might be the millionth follower! You can also receive and share engaging and accurate information about science across the Academy’s other social media platforms including Instagram, Twitter and YouTube.

Enjoy reading this month’s newsletter!


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