Message from the Chief Executive—November 2018

November 28, 2018

As the federal election draws closer, the Academy has called for a coherent and visionary plan for science to be developed. I encourage you to read Earning Our Future: the platform of the Australian Academy of Science, and the accompanying election statement, released on 23 November.

We know science will deliver the solutions to many of the challenges facing Australia and the world and will be critical to our economy and the creation of jobs. Earning Our Future offers a range of recommendations designed to lay the foundations of a strong and sustainable science system in Australia and was developed with three key objectives in mind:

  • to make clear the mutual obligations of scientists and government
  • to build the essential science capacity and capability Australia needs to thrive
  • to keep at the front of our minds the impact and benefit of science to the community.

It is deliberate that this document does not state a position on specific policy issues. The Academy’s position on a multitude of issues—including climate change, artificial intelligence, gene drives, health and medical research etc—can be found in other Academy publications, media releases and position statements on our website.

Meningococcal awareness raising

A recent spike in meningococcal disease has triggered a new Academy video campaign, developed in partnership with the Department of Health, to educate consumers and medical professionals about the disease. Don’t miss the important information that the video has to offer.

PRIA award

And finally, the Academy is proud to have been awarded the Public Relations Institute of Australia’s Golden Target Award for Not-for-Profit In-House Team of the Year. The national and global impacts of our social media videos and articles are growing, and this award recognises the contributions of Fellows, staff and many others in developing and sharing with a worldwide audience science content that is engaging and accurate.

I hope you enjoy reading the November newsletter.


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