The Australian Society for Medical Research
The Australian Society for Medical Research (ASMR), established in 1961, is the oldest peak professional society representing all Australian health and medical research. The society has a long-established role in scientific, political and public advocacy, and works to support the next generation of Australian researchers. We continuously meet with government ministers and their advisors from both major parties, delivering key messages on the importance of the health and medical research sector and the need for sustainable and balanced investment across the sector.
We also have extensive programs aimed to support the early- and mid-career researchers who are part of our organisation.
We have two main awards schemes, the ASMR Research Awards and the ASMR Peter Doherty Leading Light Award. The research awards support ASMR members nearing the completion of their PhD or those who have recently graduated (within 3 years post-PhD) to undertake a short period of research in a laboratory outside of Australia ($5000) or within Australia ($2000).
The ASMR Peter Doherty Leading Light Award aims to recognise the outstanding work of mid-career researchers (5 to 12 years post-PhD) in Australia. Applications are open to researchers from all fields of health and medical research.
Specifically targeted to researchers 5 to 12 years post-PhD, the ASMR web-based Career Mentor Linkage Program provides a unique opportunity for mid-career researchers to be matched with a career mentor. This free program allows ASMR members to choose an appropriate mentor from a list currently consisting of 29 of Australia’s leading researchers.
Career development programs are a key element of the annual ASMR Medical Research Week, which brings the message of the benefits of health and medical research to the Australian public. This year’s event was held on 31 May – 8 June and included careers information nights for undergraduate and postgraduate students, postgraduate student conferences, and gala dinners where guests joined researchers, politicians, and key stakeholders for networking opportunities.
The ASMR National Scientific Conference combines world-class science with cutting-edge professional development programs. This year’s conference on 21–23 November at the Elder Hall Music Conservatorium in Adelaide, provided an exciting program that included workshops on the art of persuasion and the art of critical thinking. Attendees learnt crucial skills in how to better promote themselves on CVs and during interviews, and how to enhance basic critical thinking skills.
Please see the ASMR website for more details and membership enquiries.
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