Future Earth Australia, a program of the Academy, is hosting its first 2019 event for early-career researchers and practitioners, titled ‘The future of coasts’.
The two-day forum and workshop, hosted by Future Earth Australia and the Australian Climate Change Adaptation Research Network for Settlements and Infrastructure together with Climate-KIC, will be held on the Gold Coast on Monday 19 August and Tuesday 20 August.
Due to the event’s proximity to the 7th Queensland Coastal Conference, this event will also focus on the coastal environment and the challenges we collectively face in shaping, managing and conserving the coast.
This event will provide a unique opportunity for those conducting research or practising in engineering, science, urban planning, the built environment, social sciences, economics and business to meet fellow researchers and practitioners from other Australian institutions and facilities.
A maximum of 20 applicants will be selected to participate, to ensure that each participant has the chance to listen to and speak with all the other participants and build lasting connections within the coastal field.
Participation is open to early-career researchers, practitioners in industry or government, and students (honours, masters or PhD) with an interest in coasts.
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