Professor Mike Archer on stage, MC’ed by ABC’s Natasha Mitchell
Michael Crichton said he wrote Jurassic Park to scare people into never thinking about trying to bring back extinct animals. Few books written with the purpose of controlling behaviour have ever failed as spectacularly as that one. Despite his scaremongering, he planted in the minds of many of the brightest kids, the same kids who cowered in the movie seat as T. rex gobbled the ‘blood-sucking lawyer’ off the toilet seat, determination to do precisely what Crichton railed against. Today there are many projects underway all focused on the once entirely science fiction concept of bringing extinct animals—and plants—back to life. Some are using intact genomes to produce hybrid cells such as the Lazarus Project focused on Australia’s Gastric-brooding Frogs. Others, such as the Thylacine, Mammoth and Passenger Pigeon Projects, are using new technologies to retroengineer modern genomes to match sequences found in ancient DNA. Some, such as the Auroch Project, are identifying and reactivating silent genes to recover ancestral genomes. There are many technical and some ethical challenges, but there are also many biological, ecological and potentially enormous conservation benefits for living, threatened species. Restoration of ecosystem function can be one of the major gains if DeExtinction efforts are successful. In this seminar, Academy Fellow, Professor Mike Archer AM FAA will overview progress on the Thylacine Project and the ongoing Lazarus Project.
The Australian Academy of Science is a proud partner of BeakerStreet@TMAG. Join the Academy for four fascinating talks at Hobart Town Hall, featuring Academy Fellows, Professor Martina Stenzel, Dr Steve Rintoul, Professor Jenny Graves and Professor Mike Archer. Following each talk, all guests are invited (and musically escorted!) across the road to Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery for more science, including talks, workshops, art, music, food, bars and more. Tickets to each talk are sold separately.
Speaker: Professor Mike Archer AM FAA
Date: Friday 16 August
Time: 8.30pm
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