Submissions are now open for the 2020 Mike Smith Student Prize—an award recognising research into Australia’s scientific and environmental history.
The Australian Academy of Science, through its National Committee for History and Philosophy of Science, joins with the National Museum of Australia to host the prize. It is named in recognition of Australian archaeologist and Museum Senior Research Fellow Dr Mike Smith, a well-known leader of his field and mentor of young researchers.
A $3000 first prize is awarded for the best essay by a postgraduate or undergraduate student that deals with any aspect of the history of Australian science (including medicine and technology) or Australian environmental history. Entries may also be considered for publication in the Academy’s journal, Historical Records of Australian Science.
The prize is judged by the chair of the National Committee for History and Philosophy of Science, the editors of Historical Records of Australian Science, and the National Museum’s Head of Research.
To help promote the prize and encourage entries, the Academy has worked with journal publisher CSIRO Publishing to make a virtual issue of Historical Records of Australian Science available free online. The virtual issue showcases six articles by previous Mike Smith Prize winners and highly commended contributors. Participation in the contest has resulted in positive outcomes for entrants, participating institutions, and the disciplines of the history of Australian science and Australian environmental history.
Entries for the Mike Smith Student Prize for History of Australian Science or Australian Environmental History close on 20 January 2020.
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