Physicists focus on gender equity at Indian conference

October 29, 2019
(From left) Parul Gupta of the British Council, Delhi, Dr Rosalind Dubs representing SAGE, and Dr Pratibha Jolly from the University of Delhi.

Gender equity was the main theme of Pressing for Progress 2019, the Indian Physics Association’s national conference held at the University of Hyderabad in September.

Dr Rosalind Dubs represented the Science in Australia Gender Equity (SAGE) initiative of the Australian Academy of Science and the Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering, the latter of which she is a Fellow. Dr Dubs delivered a keynote presentation entitled ‘Transforming gender equity in Australia’s higher education and research: why national leadership is key’.

There were more than 200 attendees at the conference from universities and research institutes across India. There were physics presentations, as well as workshops on the theme ‘The gender gap in physics: whose problem is it?’ that discussed the topics of gender equity: barriers, bridges and stepping stones; understanding sexual harassment dynamics; and exploring personal agency and power: challenging gender stereotypes in daily living.

Dr Dubs’ participation in the conference, supported by the Australia–India Science and Research Fund, raised Australia’s profile and leadership in successful gender equity and diversity programs, which helps to position Australia to continue supporting partner economies.

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