The call for applications is currently closed
The 2025 round is now closed. The 2027 round will open for applications in 2026.
The W H Gladstones Population and Environment Fund was established in 2010 through generous donations from the late Dr William H Gladstones.
The W H Gladstones Population and Environment Fund offers support for empirical research into how the size, distribution, material aspirations and other characteristics of Australia’s population are likely to affect our environment—not only our land and landscape, but also social cohesion, health, the economy and defence. Population pressures in other countries which may have an impact on Australia could also be part of the research.
One grant of up to $24,000 is available for award every two years.
Funded activities are normally expected to have been undertaken within two years from the date of award. Awardees may apply for extensions due to extenuating circumstances or to apply for variations to remove or adapt to barriers encountered to their planned research or travel.
This grant does not provide funds for bench fees, managerial, visa, insurance or infrastructure costs.
Supporting institutes and awardees are required to ensure that any research they undertake that is funded by the Australian Academy of Science adheres to the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of research, severe breach of these codes may result in the withdrawal of current and refusal of future funding support. Research involving Indigenous Australians must comply with the guidelines for Ethical Research in Australian Indigenous Studies.
Research to be supported should aim to quantify various aspects of the human footprint, and to model likely ecological and other consequences.
Applicants should be employed in an Australian university or research institution and should have completed a PhD not more than 10 years ago. Persons engaged in research for a PhD may also be considered if their thesis topics are judged to be highly significant.
Exemptions for career interruptions may be sought from the Academy. Reasons for exemption can include (but may not be limited to) illness, birth of a child or carer requirements. To apply for an exemption, please include a short explanation stating the grounds for why an exemption is being sought and how long your research career was interrupted.
The purpose of the grant is to supplement the researcher’s existing resources and can be used for the purchase of such things as equipment, data, or the development of new measurement and analysis techniques.
Applications are to be completed through an online form found through the button to the left of this screen when the award round is open.
Applications should set out the objectives and methods of research to be undertaken, together with a budget outlining the proposed use of the Grant over the two years.
A short CV and a list of publications relevant to the research are also required.
Two referees’ reports should also be attached to the application. Referee reports should be addressed to the ‘Awards Committee’ and be no more than two pages in length and indicate the referees’ knowledge of the research and the researcher’s ability to carry out the project successfully. For PhD students, one of these reports must be from the applicants PhD supervisor, indicating that such a research proposal can be conducted from within the department and their opinion of the proposed research, the need for award funding and potential career impact of award if funded.
Grants are offered to successful applicants in early November each year for projects to be carried out in the next year.
Applications are assessed by a committee of scientists with diverse expertise based on the assessed competitiveness of the proposal. The Academy is not able to enter into discussion or correspondence regarding the reasons why an application is successful or not.
The Australian Academy of Science encourages applications from female candidates and from candidates from a broad geographical distribution.
All enquiries to
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