Message from the Acting Chief Executive

December 18, 2019

At the end of 2019, we thank you for your readership and support. This year has been a busy one for the Australian Academy of Science, and I would like to acknowledge our Fellows who dedicate their time, efforts and expertise to advance science in Australia and internationally. Thank you.

As always, this month’s newsletter provides a diverse snapshot of the Academy’s work—from science policy and recognising excellence with awards, to international engagement and diversity and inclusion.

We are delighted to announce our new publication, Science Matters, which features stories from philanthropy and partnerships at the Academy. We invite you to enjoy these heart-warming tales and discover the incredible impact of giving.

As we move into a new decade, the Academy is looking back at our rich history. We are reinvigorating our Interviews with Australian Scientists program in a new podcast format and we ask you to support our efforts to conserve the stories of our fantastic Fellows.

If you’re looking to escape with a good story, we’ve compiled our annual list of book and podcast recommendations from our Fellows. This year’s list features more than 50 recommendations to inject more wit, wisdom and wonder into your summer holidays.

And while on the subject of podcasts, SAGE has a new podcast where you’ll hear from individuals and institutions about their gender equity, diversity and inclusion journey.

Wishing you and your loved ones a safe and happy holiday season.

David Perceval

© 2025 Australian Academy of Science
