Planning for the future with the Academy at GEO Summit 2019

December 19, 2019

The Academy hosted an event at the international Group on Earth Observations (GEO) Ministerial Summit in Canberra, part of GEO Week 2019.

GEO is a partnership of 105 national governments and more than 120 participating organisations—a global collaboration of experts working in sustainable development and sound environmental management. Earth observations are measurements of our planet and how it is changing: its land, atmosphere and oceans; its cities, towns and villages. This data is collected by satellites, aircraft, ships and observatories on the ground.

The Academy’s event explored the role of learned academies in strategic and long-term planning, with a panel discussion moderated by the Academy’s Director Science Policy, Chris Anderson.

The discussion focused on decadal plans as a mechanism for advocating for, engaging in and delivering the GEO Strategic Plan, with the Academy’s Decadal plan for Australian Geoscience and Space Science Vision Statement presented as case studies.

The panel included representatives of the Australian Space Agency, National Computational Infrastructure, AusScope and National Committees for Earth Sciences and Space and Radio Science.

Earth observations are measurements of our planet and how it is changing: its land, atmosphere and oceans; its cities, towns and villages. Image by Rob Lynch from Pixabay

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