Australian scientists share European research success

October 16, 2015

Scientists from all around Australia – both senior scientists and those at the start of their career – have gathered today at the Australian Academy of Science to share stories of their international research exchanges.

The 25 Australians from a diverse range of scientific disciplines have worked in prestigious European research facilities, received technical training and attended workshops, as part of international collaborations designed to open European funding and research networks to the rest of the world.

'Science is too vast for any one individual, institution or nation to go it alone,' said Professor Franz Grieser, Chair of the Australian Academy of Science's Europe Committee. 'The global nature of some of the challenges facing the world in the 21st century, such as climate change, natural disasters and pandemics, can only be addressed through international efforts.'

In 2007 the Australian Academy of Science signed a reciprocal agreement with the European Union's Cooperation in Scientific and Technical (COST) program to enable Australian researchers to  access this important source of funding, expertise and facilities.

'Participation in the COST program has helped raise the international profile of Australian research through joint publications, by creating research networks with Europe and by increasing Australian scientists' awareness of industry partners and support provided by European funding agencies,' said Professor Grieser.

Since 2007, 80 Australian scientists have been funded to take part in COST Actions.

The Academy's involvement in the program has been made possible by the International Science Linkages program of the Australian Government Department of Innovation, Industry,
Science and Research.

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