Panel Pledge

The Academy Council has taken the Panel Pledge, agreeing to only participate in events where efforts have been taken to ensure women have meaningful representation.

Through this pledge each Council member has committed to actively encourage women’s voices and visibility and is persevering to achieve change towards gender equity. Change is a collaborative effort and Council encourages all those in STEM to consider how taking the Panel Pledge may have a positive influence on diversity and inclusion across their own network.

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Australian Academy of Science Panel Pledge

I believe in gender equity and diversity as an ethical principle.

I pledge to ensure that all forums in which I have operational input, take gender diversity into account and strive towards equity of voice.

I pledge that when invited to speak at an event, I will inquire about the composition of the panelists/speakers, and how the organisers are working towards achieving gender diversity.

I will highlight and promote relevant gender diverse leaders in my field

I will state my commitment to this pledge at forums at which I speak.

I will reserve the right to withdraw should gender diversity not be appropriately considered.

Panel Pledge in action

Professor John ShineProfessor John Shine

"Diversity and inclusion strengthens us all."
Anna-Maria ArabiaAnna-Maria Arabia
Chief Executive

"Excellence and diversity go hand in hand. One doesn’t exist without the other."
Professor Helene MarshProfessor Helene Marsh

"Innovation needs diversity to be seen and heard."
Professor Elaine SadlerProfessor Elaine Sadler

"Diversity strengthens all aspects of our work."
Professor David DayProfessor David Day

"Gender equity is crucial if we are to realise society’s full potential."
Professor Hans BachorProfessor Hans Bachor

"Science for all. All in science"
Professor Michael BarberProfessor Michael Barber

"Gender equity matters because Australia needs science more than ever, and science needs the talent of ALL Australians."
Professor Marilyn AndersonProfessor Marilyn Anderson

"I had some great mentors who supported gender diversity and gave me the opportunity to make a career in STEMM."
Professor Ian ChubbProfessor Ian Chubb

"Gender discrimination whether by design or neglect has to be stopped - and stopping it is up to all of us."
Professor Ivan MarusicProfessor Ivan Marusic

"Gender equity and diversity are essential if we are to reach our full potential."
Professor Sue O'ReillyProfessor Suzanne O'Reilly

"Women hold up half the sky."
Professor Halina Rubinsztein-DunlopProfessor Halina Rubinsztein-Dunlop

"It is a right moment to commit to more action, in particular for action to reduce inequality everywhere. The strength will come from equity and diversity."
Professor Malcom SambridgeProfessor Malcolm Sambridge

"I welcome the opportunity to endorse the panel pledge and will encourage my colleagues to do the same."
Professor Frances SeparovicProfessor Frances Separovic

"Diverse teams produce better outcomes"
Professor Carola VinuesaProfessor Carola Vinuesa

"Only when women have a voice and are heard, they can be valued and considered credible. A voice brings power and an Academy that empowers women and has equality and fairness as important values can transform society."
Professor Bob WilliamsonProfessor Bob Williamson

"Gender equality will benefit everyone in our community, men and women. All of us should work for it, every time."
Professor Lyn BeazleyProfessor Lyn Beazley

"Because it is the right thing to do and because events will be better for it."
Professor Louise RyanProfessor Louise Ryan

"Diversity strengthens science by enlarging the conversation and broadening perspectives."
Professor Jim WilliamsProfessor Jim Williams

"Taking the Panel Pledge was important to me as it formally acknowledged the importance I have placed on striving for diversity and gender equity during my various professional roles."
Professor Max ColtheartProfessor Max Coltheart

"I have long been a supporter of gender equity in science."

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