Message from the President—April 2020

April 30, 2020
Academy President Professor John Shine

As we move through different phases of the COVID-19 pandemic, the federal and state and territory governments are making decisions that directly affect our lives in many ways. Each one involves a myriad of complex and important considerations to weigh up, with the future implications of today’s decisions very much on the minds of politicians and the community.

It’s not an easy task, and sadly too many lives are being lost across the globe. Comparatively, Australia is doing well. I am encouraged that the Prime Minister, his parliamentary colleagues and policymakers, are informing their decisions with expert advice from a wide range of disciplines. Journalists have, in the main, also sought out the best minds to communicate the reality of the pandemic in a calm and measured way, and above all to keep people knowledgeable and informed of the facts.

This Academy, along with the other learned academies, is an integral part of Australia’s response to the pandemic and I know we are making a material difference through our participation. I commend the experts, including many of our Fellows, who are supporting our activities to provide the scientific evidence needed to inform the government’s decisions. And I thank the Academy’s staff, outstandingly led by Anna-Maria Arabia, who are working hard to meet our increasing number of commitments to do our part to tackle COVID-19.

Thank you for keeping abreast of our involvement through our newsletter and other communications. Keep safe and well.

John Shine

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