Securing a productive future for Australia through science

January 05, 2011

The Australian Academy of Science today called on the Federal Government to demonstrate its commitment to Australia's future by continuing to increase its investment in scientific research, and by supporting school science education and international scientific collaboration.

"Scientific research is our nation's guarantee that we will continue to be productive in the future. Other countries which are in more serious financial difficulties than Australia have protected their research investment even when faced with budget cuts in other areas," said Australian Academy of Science President Professor Suzanne Cory.

"The Government can display great vision and a commitment to our future prosperity if it makes scientific and medical research a cornerstone of the 2011 Federal budget."

Professor Cory said a national program of science research is essential to drive innovation, secure better health, and unlock future resource wealth.

"Medical and other science research funding cannot be turned on and off like a tap," she said. "Cuts in our national research budgets would have wasteful impacts that would last decades."

The Australian Academy of Science has called on the Australian government to increase research funding to at least three per cent of Australian GDP by 2020.

Proven science education programs for primary and secondary schools that enable teachers to implement the new national curriculum should also be a Budget priority, Professor Cory said.

"We are slipping behind neighbouring countries in maths and science performance at secondary school and there are growing shortages in the workforce of young people with maths and science skills," she said.

Modern science increasingly relies on collaboration with other countries.

The Academy welcomes last week's announcement that the Government will invest $9 million over three years to build a closer scientific relationship with China.

"We urge the Government to make similar commitments to building other strategic bilateral and multilateral relationships, to maximise the opportunities that our best research offers,"

Professor Cory said.

"We hope to hear on Budget night that Australia's outstanding scientific talent is properly supported to discover and contribute internationally."

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