History of science journal marks International Year of Plant Health

June 29, 2020
Drawing of grub, beetle, and damage caused to roots of sugar cane
The Queensland sugar industry to 1950 faced a major crisis, with crops attacked by the larvae of native beetles. In ‘Entomology in the service of the state: Queensland scientists and the campaign against cane beetles, 1895–1950’, Author Peter Griggs explores the biology of the beetles, research to combat them, and the solution used. This image is from the article.

The Academy is marking the United Nations’ International Year of Plant Health with a ‘virtual issue’ of its journal, Historical Records of Australian Science. The eight articles in the virtual issue are curated from content published in past issues and are connected by the plant health theme.

Plant health plays a vital role in ending global hunger, reducing poverty, protecting the environment, and boosting economic development. Successive Australian governments have placed a high priority on scientific research into plant health and this collection of articles exemplifies the quality of the work of Australian scientists. The articles discuss processes that improve plant health and the careers of individual scientists who have played leading roles in research, education, policy and advocacy.

Articles cover historical research on biological nitrogen fixation and sugar cane production, and biographical memoirs for Arthur McComb, Lloyd Evans, Robert Symons and Fraser Bergersen—all of whom were leaders in their fields.

Articles in the virtual issue are free for anyone to read until the end of August.

Read the virtual issue

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