Science Academy condemns threats to scientists

June 10, 2011

The Australian Academy of Science today condemned threats to climate scientists and called on community leaders to defend intellectual freedom.

Academy President Professor Suzanne Cory said the Academy is deeply concerned about the threats being made to scientists.

"Today the Academy's Executive Committee of Council issued a public statement defending the right of researchers to do their work free from abuse, acts of intimidation and threats of violence," Professor Cory said.

"We call on leaders across the community to make the same defence of intellectual freedom."

The statement endorsed by the Executive Committee reads:

The Australian Academy of Science is firmly of the view that the interests of the community and the advancement of knowledge is best served by an environment where researchers can put forward views and present data for discussion and scrutiny free from threats of personal or professional harm.

The more controversial the area (such as climate change, evolution, gene technology, stem cells or nuclear power), the more important that any researcher should feel free to argue a case based on evidence without fear of reprisal. We know of examples where prominent researchers have been personally and professionally threatened by individuals and organisations that disagree with their findings and conclusions.

We reiterate our common defence of the principles of academic freedom: any researcher has the right and duty to argue a case based on evidence, because only public discourse and experimental challenge can advance understanding.

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