Falling Walls Engage Hub Australia: Revisualising Science Virtual Workshop

Falling Walls Engage Hub Australia: Revisualising Science, Arts-based approaches to wicked problems, Workshop 22 April 2021

Art is widely considered one of the most emotional forms of human expression. When paired with science, the two disciplines are a compelling force in the dissemination of knowledge around the biggest problems that face science and society.

Together with our partners from the Australian Academy of Science, our 5th Falling Walls Engage Hub Launch in Australia will put a spotlight on interdisciplinary approaches to revisualising science communication and engagement. The first part of this launch will be a virtual community workshop on 22 April at:

  • 7:00–9:00pm AEST (Canberra Time)
  • 11:00 AM-01:00 PM CEST (Berlin Time).

Workshop program

During a 2-hour virtual event, participants will work with a global community of science engagers to learn and experiment with creative approaches from Australian science engagers and communicators. The workshop will provide a space to share individual practices, discuss challenges and gaps in the industry and envision new cross-cultural collaborations.

We will invite participants to think about science from distinctive artistic perspectives. Experiment with science poetry with Professor Sam Illingworth and explore Professor Ken Dutton Regester’s portable Cancer Art Gallery!

We are delighted to welcome Professor Joan Leach, Director of the Australian National Centre for Public Awareness of Science in Canberra. Professor Leach has been an advocate for Science Communication since the birth of the discipline, serving across a wide number of networks and world leading universities. During her keynote, she will put Australia’s pathway in science communication into a global perspective and explore its societal resonance and impact.

What if scientists ruled the world?—a unique Forum Theatre experiment

With the help of Ali Clinch and Robin Davidson, award-winning directors and experts in Forum Theatre, participants will contribute to design an interactive theater play entitled ‘What if Scientists Ruled the World?’. The outputs of these discussions will help shape a real Forum Theatre performance which will take place two weeks later.

On 8 May 2021, a team of actors directed by Rebus Theatre will perform the interactive play ‘What if Scientists Ruled the World?’ in the Shine Dome of the Australian Academy of Science. The event will take place with the participation of a physical audience and will be live-streamed for a digital audience.

Book now using the button above right. If you have any questions please contact fallingwalls@science.org.au.

Contact Information


7:00 PM - 9:00 PM April 22, 2021
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Contact Information


7:00 PM - 9:00 PM April 22, 2021

© 2025 Australian Academy of Science
