Warp drives and bending time

About the talk

Light speed is one of science fiction’s major plot limitations — and maybe one of the major limitations of science.  How can we explore the stars if it takes tens of thousands of years to get to them… or the galaxies, if it takes billions of years? Warp drives and wormholes are often co-opted by authors to save the day — but what is scientific, and what is make-believe?  General relativity allows space and time to bend.  Can we say there are limits, or is the answer as yet unknown?  Does faster-than-light travel mean time-travel is inevitable?  

Join Tamara to explore warp drives, light-speed limits, event horizons, and perhaps even the ultimate fate of the universe. 

About the speaker

Professor Tamara Davis uses astrophysics to test our fundamental laws of physics, and study the nature of dark energy and dark matter. She is one of the most highly cited astrophysicists in the world. Her contributions include testing advanced theories of gravity, measuring time-dilation of distant supernovae, using galaxies to constrain the mass of the lightest massive particle in nature (the neutrino), and discovering that active galaxies fuelled by black holes can be used as standard candles.  She is a prolific science communicator, regularly gives popular talks, has written many popular science articles, and can often be heard on radio.  She also has a philosophy degree, is an avid sportswoman, and (of course) loves reading science fiction.

Shine Dome,9 Gordon Street Australian Capital Territory

Contact Information

Event Manager: Mitchell Piercey
Phone: (02) 6201 9462

4:30 PM May 05, 2015
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Contact Information

Event Manager: Mitchell Piercey
Phone: (02) 6201 9462

4:30 PM May 05, 2015

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