Each year, the Theo Murphy Initiative (Australia), through the Academy, supports the delivery of activities designed to provide tangible career benefits for EMCRs in Australia—and this year is no different.
Five exciting new activities have been selected to receive Theo Murphy funding in 2021–22. The organising committees for these activities will work closely with the Academy to deliver the following impactful and engaging opportunities.
Research, development and career conversations in space—a pilot mentoring program for PhD students and EMCRs in space and radio science. This activity has received wide support from the Australian space sector and will hopefully grow into an annual program that will support the sector to be stronger, more diverse and inclusive, and better prepared to tackle the challenges of the future.
Science for the public good—a two-day online think tank bringing together researchers interested in understanding how science can contribute to public benefit and learning about how impacts can be distributed equitably for both researchers and the public.
Job options in biosciences symposium (JOBS) for EMCRs—a three-day symposium in Adelaide for EMCRs in biosciences, with training sessions, workshops and networking opportunities with industry representatives.
Knowledge brokering for interdisciplinary science and impact—a series of online events designed to help researchers understand how they can solve real-world challenges by using knowledge brokering: translation, communication, interpretation, and sharing science with end-users.
Planetary health and human wellbeing—an event bringing together an interdisciplinary mix of researchers, industry and community representatives, and policy makers to address the challenges of simultaneously improving human and ecosystem health in an interconnected and changing world.
The Theo Murphy (Australia) Fund was established with the purpose of furthering scientific discovery in the fields of medicine, science, technology and engineering. The fund is made available by the Royal Society of London and administered by the Academy.
To receive updates about the current Theo Murphy Initiative (Australia) activities and information about future funding rounds, join the EMCR Forum mailing list today.
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