Australian Academy of Science Newsletter 170

Australian Academy of Science Newsletter April 2023 Number 170

Anna-Maria Arabia

Message from the Chief Executive

I am immensely proud of the Academy’s role assisting the Folbigg Inquiry and demonstrating new ways in which the science and justice systems can work together. 

Science has been heard at the Kathleen Folbigg Inquiry

The Academy has acted as an independent scientific adviser during a public inquiry into an individual’s criminal convictions.

Australia's scientists welcome review of ARC Act

Academy President says the underlying theme of the review is that of trust with a strong emphasis on the critical role of the ARC in Australia’s research system.

Discussions continue on the future of the Great Barrier Reef

Scientists, engineers, Traditional Owners, policy and regulatory experts gathered for the second of three roundtables on the future of the Great Barrier Reef under different climate scenarios.

‘Blue carbon’ expert to represent Australia in international prize

Professor Peter Macreadie is one of three researchers nominated by the Australian Academy of Science for the lucrative prize.

Chennupati Jagadish

Academy coordinates Australia’s participation at S20 meetings in India

The series of five in-person meetings will leverage scientific, technological and intellectual interactions between nations to address common problems.

Sir Mark Oliphant archival collection now available online

An Academy collection of papers belonging to one of Australia’s most influential physicists has been digitised in collaboration with the National Library of Australia.

Anton Hales Medal recipient talks giant volcanoes, mineral deposits and the impact of awards

Dr Nicolas Flament explains how peering under Earth’s crust can uncover what the planet’s interior looked like hundreds of millions of years ago.

Indigenous peoples’ knowledge, science research and an Academy grant help unlock the mystery of ‘fairy circles’

The scientific mystery of their formation has new evidence, thanks to collaborations between Indigenous peoples’ knowledge and scientists, supported by the Academy.

Progressing the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Dr Petra Lundgren, Director of the International Science Council Focal Point for Asia-Pacific (hosted by the Australian Academy of Science), was recently part of a panel discussing the progress and future of the UN Sustainable Development Goal no. 17, which is to strengthen the means of implementation and revitalise the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development. Dr Lundgren had the honour of presenting the case for the role of science in advancing the Sustainable Development Goals.

Dr Petra Lundgren (at right) was part of a panel discussing the progress and future of the UN Sustainable Development Goal no. 17

EMCRs join International Science Council

Fifteen young Academies have been recently welcomed as members of the International Science Council (ISC). These academies and associations represent young scientists, early- and mid-career researchers and professionals. The Academy is proud to share that the EMCR Forum is among these new members.

The ISC, which was created in 2018 following a merger between the International Council for Science and the International Social Science Council, has a growing global membership bringing together more than 230 organisations. This includes international scientific unions and associations from natural and social sciences and the humanities, and national and regional scientific organisations.

2024 awards, travelling fellowships and more

Nominations and applications are open for the Academy’s 2024 honorific awards, research conferences, research awards and travelling fellowships.

The closing date for honorific awards is this Monday 1 May and for funding opportunities 1 June.

Find out more about the Academy’s awards and funding opportunities

Submissions to government

The Academy recently made the following submissions to government:

The Academy’s third submission above focused on the strategic context and requirements of the National Science and Research priorities and included 12 discipline-specific contributions from the Academy’s National Committees for Science and Future Earth Australia.

Opportunities for scientists

Find out more about coming opportunities for scientists:

  • 2024 awards, travelling fellowships and more
  • The Ukraine-Australia Research Fund
  • France and Europe Mobility Grants
  • 2023 APEC Science Prize for Innovation, Research and Education (ASPIRE Prize)
  • The John Maddox Prize
  • The VinFuture Prize
  • Buys Ballot Medal
  • Prince Mahidol Award
  • Resilient Australia Award 
  • Premi Ramon Margalef d'Ecologia
  • Eppendorf & Science Prize for Neurobiology
  • RACI National Awards 
  • BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Awards

Fellows update

Keep abreast of the Academy Fellowship in the Fellows update​:

  • Honours and awards to Fellows

Join us for our annual public speaker series, Looking back, moving forward

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples are the oldest continuous cultures on Earth. The wealth of knowledges gathered over 65,000 years has growing and continued relevance to modern scientific discoveries. The speakers for this third event in the series will be announced soon.

Date: Thursday 13 June
Time: 5.30pm – 7.00pm AEST (livestream 6.00pm – 7.00pm)
Venue: The Shine Dome and online

More information and to register

Supporting science

Since the Academy’s creation by Royal Charter in 1954, the first donations received by our Founders assisted towards the establishment of the Endowment Fund—allowing the Academy to establish its independence.

With further support from our Fellows, donors and friends, we have been able to develop and implement a breadth of programs and activities that are now sewn into the fabric of Australian science.

Today, we continue to uphold this legacy and donations play an important role in ensuring science informs decisions wherever they are made, the continuation of building capabilities, nurturing early- and mid-career researchers who are shaping the science sector, and addressing national and international challenges.

To learn more about giving to the Academy visit our website or contact Kate Groves on (02) 6201 9460 or

We hope you will consider supporting the Academy and our vision for excellence in science.

Donate today

The Honorary editor of the Academy newsletter is Professor Yuri Estrin FAA


© 2025 Australian Academy of Science
