Statement regarding June 2023 cuts to Australian space programs

July 13, 2023

Space-derived activities and services underpin much of Australia’s economic, environmental and national security yet are predominantly delivered by foreign entities.

Supporting Australian space activities has several benefits: it mitigates sovereign risk; it aligns with advanced manufacturing strategies; it supports science and ultimately will help diversify Australia’s narrow economic base.

Australia’s future in space depends on a commitment to the underpinning science. Without science, we limit our options, becoming an importer of the knowledge and technology we need for our own wellbeing.

While acknowledging the Australian Government’s ongoing commitment to the future of the Australian Space Agency, the Australian Academy of Science is disappointed with the decision to cancel the National Space Mission for Earth Observation (NSMEO).

The Australian space science community identified an ongoing Earth observation satellite program as a national priority in Australia in Space: a decadal plan for Australian space science 2021–2030

With its focus on Earth observation and climate science, the NSMEO would have benefited multiple Australian research areas that contribute to understanding the impact of climate change on Australia, and generated data that assist with natural disaster mitigation, weather forecasting, and water resource management.

The NSMEO would have required developing sovereign Australian capability, with flow-on benefits to other areas of Australian space science.

A government commitment to a national space program will contribute to—and benefit from—Australian industry and science.


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