Academy applauds Gonski focus on improving school standards

February 20, 2012

The Australian Academy of Science today welcomed the emphasis of the Gonski Review of Funding for Schooling on the need to improve education outcomes for every Australian student.

“We agree strongly with the report that ‘principals and teachers should encourage a culture of high expectations, continuous learning, and independence and responsibility for all students’,” said Professor Bob Williamson, the Academy’s Secretary for Science Policy.

Professor Williamson urged the Government to act quickly on the Review’s recommendations.

“Australia has been very lucky to avoid the global financial crisis thanks to our mineral wealth, but as scientists we know that the minerals will not last forever,” he said.

“We must use that wealth to ensure that every young person in Australia has the scientific, technical and mathematics education they need to prepare for the high-tech future that will ensure our national economic and social prosperity.”

Recommendation 7 of the report highlights the need to improve teaching practices and flexibly implement strategies to overcome educational disadvantage where it exists.

“Improving teaching practices and encouraging a flexible approach is the main focus of the Australian Academy of Science’s school science education programs, Primary Connections and Science by Doing,” Professor Williamson said.

“In spite of excellent outcomes, the Academy was dismayed when funding for these programs was cut in the last Federal budget.

“Australia already has to import technicians and tradesmen. If we can ensure that we have excellent teachers at every level in every school teaching science, maths and engineering skills, we will also guarantee jobs for every Australian child as they grow to adulthood.

“Australia has wonderful science in fields as diverse as astronomy and molecular medicine, and an excellent education system is necessary to make sure we keep it going.”

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