Academy’s advice informed Australia’s RNA Blueprint

July 17, 2024

The Academy welcomes the Australian Government’s recognition of Australia’s RNA potential in the blueprint released this week, as an important step in building Australia’s RNA capacity.

Building sovereign RNA capacity means Australia can draw on essential health technologies, address our unique environmental needs, and strengthen our research capabilities for the future.

It is of note that fundamental RNA science was identified by this blueprint as a strength for Australia. Patient investment in fundamental RNA science research will be critical to delivering applications for the future.

The Academy has previously recommended a national mission for the whole RNA science and technology pipeline in Australia, driven by strategic investment and prioritisation across funding schemes and providing sustainable, long-term funding for projects from fundamental research through to translation.

The Academy hosted a roundtable in 2021 to identify Australia’s RNA science and technology priorities. In 2022, the Academy provided advice to the Department of Industry Science and Resources (DISR) on RNA science drawing on the expertise of our Fellowship and insights from the National RNA Science and Technology Roundtable. This advice informed Australia’s RNA Blueprint.

Overview of Academy’s RNA work

2021 – Academy hosts National RNA Science and Technology Roundtable

Statement—National RNA science and technology priorities

Proceedings—National RNA Science and Technology Roundtable

News and media releases

Can Australia build a world-leading RNA science-based biotech industry?

Proceedings of National RNA Science and Technology Roundtable released

2022 – Academy provides science advice on RNA via unpublished report for DISR

In 2022, the Academy provided advice to DISR on RNA science drawing on the expertise of our Fellowship and insights from the National RNA Science and Technology Roundtable. This advice informed Australia’s RNA Blueprint.

2023 – Academy responds to discussion paper

Academy responds to ‘Understanding our RNA potential: discussion paper’, a consultation that led to the blueprint published this week.

© 2024 Australian Academy of Science
