EMCR Rapid-Fire Presentations

1. Plant Diseases: Through the Lens of AI - Saba Rabab, CSIRO


2. New Ways to Measure Old Traits: A Case Study of AI in Cotton Biosmass Dynamics - Xuesong Li, Australian National University & CSIRO


3. AI Safety: Building the Robustness Boat - Mahalakshmi Sabanayagam, Technical University of Munich, Germany


4. Fighting Superbugs with Smart Computers: How Machine Learning Helps Doctors Choose the Right Medicine - Berenice Talamantes Becerra, CSIRO


5. Stripe-Like Space Target Detection Using Weakly Supervised Learning - Ali Zia, Australian National University, CSIRO


6. Developing Workers and Designing Systems that Maximise Creativity - Jiaxin Li, Australian National University


7. Early Predicting Salinity Tolerance of Legumes Using Hyperspectral-AI Synergy - Muhammad Husnain, Griffith University, CSIRO


8. Towards Sustainable Poultry Production - Damilola Kareem, University of Sydney

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