Primary Connections

New website

Primary Connections launched a new website in late February with many new features including assessment advice, online event registration and much more. Feedback from teachers has been very positive and more than 3000 have already registered in our member centre as part of the Primary Connections community.

Talking to school leaders

Primary Connections has released a five-minute video featuring two primary school leaders to explain how the program has helped their schools to implement the Australian Curriculum: Science, and how it has made a positive impact in improving the overall literacy, numeracy and reasoning skills of students.

The development of this video was funded with the support of the Australian Government Department of Education.

You can view the video here.

Conasta conference

Primary Connections will be represented at the annual science teachers’ conference, Conasta 2014, from 6–9 July. Professional Learning Manager Sophia McLean will present a session on ‘Primary Connections: learning a science concept and representing understanding’.

Professional learning

Primary Connections has developed a new one-day workshop to meet the needs of NSW teachers who are implementing the new NSW K‒6 Science and Technology syllabus, which is aligned to the Australian Curriculum: Science. ‘NSW Syllabus to success’ is themed around a group tour, and participants are taken to mini-destinations while they explore the requirements of the syllabus and how Primary Connections can fulfil them. Feedback from the 58 teachers and 49 schools in Sydney and Newcastle who have participated in the workshops to date has been very positive.

Left: Tour leaders (PC facilitators Sophia McLean and Louise Rostron) enjoying the view at lunch in Newcastle. Right: The Sydney workshop in action

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