Submissions to government

The Academy provides all Fellows with opportunities to contribute to the development of policy submissions and position statements.

The Academy made a far-reaching response to the Government’s ‘Vision for a Science Nation’ consultation. This consultation is taking place in response to the Australian Chief Scientist’s proposed national science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) strategy, released in September 2014, and covers a large number of existing and proposed programs, strategies and measures across Australian competitiveness; education and training; research; and international engagement.

Developed in consultation with Fellows from a number of fields as well as education experts, the Academy’s submission particularly welcomed proposals to develop a 10-year strategic outlook for Australian research and research infrastructure, and develop a new international science engagement strategy to guide science diplomacy and international collaboration.

The Academy encouraged the Government to work closely with key science stakeholders in progressing these plans. The Academy also pointed out that while a focus on applied research and research translation is absolutely justified, it is just as important to ensure a high level of ongoing support for basic, curiosity-driven science that will lay the foundation of economic and social benefits for the future.

The Australian Early- and Mid-Career Researcher (EMCR) Forum also made a submission in response to the consultation.

The Government is expected to present a revised Vision for a Science Nation to the Commonwealth Science Council in October.

The Academy has also made submissions on proposed legislative amendments to the Gene Technology Act 2000 to the Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee Inquiry into the Medical Research Future Fund Bill, and the ‘Current and Emerging Issues for NHMRC Fellowship Schemes’ consultation paper. The EMCR Forum made its own submission to the latter inquiry, as did the National Committee for Cellular and Developmental Biology.

Newsletter number 101 September 2015

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