Academy welcomes science, maths education Budget boost

May 08, 2012

The Australian Academy of Science today welcomed Budget measures to protect Australian research and boost science and maths education.

The Government has announced an extra $54 million over four years will go to improving participation in the study of science and mathematics at school and university.

This includes $5 million over four years to the Academy's primary and junior secondary school science programs, Primary Connections and Science by Doing.

"We warmly welcome the announcement of new funding for our proven programs, which are so important at a time when Australian school students' interest and participation in science is in steady decline," Professor Cory said.

"The Academy is also pleased to see a range of other initiatives to improve science and maths education arising from the Chief Scientist's influential report, Mathematics, engineering and science in the national interest.

"The Government has shown strong leadership in recognising the importance to the future prosperity of the country of investing in research, innovation and science and maths education."

The Academy also welcomed the continuation and indexation of supplementary funding to enable the Learned Academies to continue driving excellence in science and innovation.

"However it is disappointing that, after winding up the International Science Linkages program last year, the Government has ignored the Academy's call to establish a strategic program to support Australian science internationally," Professor Cory said.

Ticks and crosses for the science Budget:

  • $54m over 4 years for improving participation in school and university science and maths, including…
  • $5m over 4 years for Primary Connections and Science by Doing
  • $4.4m annually to support the 4 Academies to drive excellence in science and innovation
  • Maintain ARC and NHMRC research funding
  • No strategic international science collaborations program
  • Uncertainty over funding for national research infrastructure (National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Scheme)

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