International experts gather to collaborate on a greener future

May 15, 2012

Leading experts in green growth from Australia and Malaysia are meeting today at the Australian Academy of Science to discuss common challenges and develop strategies to effectively manage natural assets and move both countries towards low-carbon growth.

The Green Growth Think Tank at the Shine Dome aims to improve Australia’s engagement with Malaysia, share cutting-edge developments and inspire collaborations between scientists and policy makers from the two nations.

“Green growth is important for both developed and developing nations,” said Professor Chennupati Jagadish, Secretary for Physical Sciences at the Australian Academy of Science.

“At this Think Tank we’re examining challenges that are common to all economies.”

Australia produces about three per cent of the world’s scientific papers, with just 0.3 per cent of the world’s population.

“Think Tanks such as this not only allow Australian scientists to share our knowledge with our international counterparts, but also play an important role in helping us to gain access to knowledge and innovative technologies developed internationally,” Professor Jagadish said.

“Science has a vital role to play in solving many of the urgent problems the world faces in the 21st century.

“Links and collaborations with countries in our region are essential to this process.”

The Think Tank is supported by the Australia-Malaysia Institute of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, enabling the attendance of three Malaysian experts from academia and industry, including the National University of Malaysia and Nusantara Technologies, and Australian experts from universities, CSIRO, industry and government.

Following the Think Tank the Malaysian delegation will also undertake a program of site visits in Canberra and Sydney.

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