Giants of science at the Shine Dome during science week

August 09, 2012

The Shine Dome will feature internationally-recognised giants of science during National Science Week from 11 to 19 August, talking about their lives, research and inspirations.

Astronomer Professor Brian Schmidt will kick off the series on Saturday morning 11 August, sharing his startling discovery of the accelerating universe and the role of dark energy, which led to his 2011 Nobel Prize in Physics.

On Monday evening 13 August, climate scientist Professor Mike Raupach will examine the evidence that the Earth is warming due mainly to human activity, and will speak about why the issue stirs up such passion and debate.

Immunologist Professor Chris Goodnow will explore the fascinating battle between clever microorganisms and the evolving human immune system on Wednesday 15 August.

The series will conclude on Friday 17 August with a special screening of Canadian science film-maker Peter McLeish's latest films on the Polar Land, including an imaginative journey of images in the Polar Regions exploring atmospheric disturbances caused by global warming.

The first three lectures will be web streamed live from

Media are welcome to attend and record the lectures.

What: Giants of Science: Australian Academy of Science speaker series
Nobel Laureate Professor Brian Schmidt - The accelarating universe
Professor Mike Raupach - Why climate change matters, and what we can do about it
Professor Chris Goodnow - The immunity challenge
Multi-media artist Peter McLeish - Films on the Polar Land
When: 11 am, Saturday 11 August 2012 - Schmidt
6 pm, Monday 13 August 2012 - Raupach
6 pm, Wednesday 15 August 2012 - Goodnow
6 pm, Friday 17 August 2012 - McLeish
Where: The Shine Dome, Gordon Street, Canberra

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