Government steadfast on research

October 22, 2012

The Australian Academy of Science commends the Government’s commitment to maintain funding for science research through the Australian Research Council (ARC) and Cooperative Research Centres (CRCs).

“This is an investment in Australia’s long term prosperity and security,” said Academy President Professor Suzanne Cory.

Minister for Science, Research and Tertiary Education, Senator Chris Evans today announced there would be no change this financial year to the level of grant funding allocated through the ARC and CRCs.
“The Academy is encouraged that the Gillard Government has ensured many diverse and important areas of research will be allowed to continue,” Professor Cory said.

“As we said last week when the Government announced it would maintain biomedical research funding through the National Health and Medical Research Council, sustaining excellent researchers, scientific facilities and peer-reviewed grants system is the best way for this nation to ensure we can train, attract and retain world-class scientists.

“As the resources boom will inevitably dwindle, innovation is becoming more and more important to Australia’s economic security.

“Innovation depends on excellence in science, maths, engineering and technology. Long-term consistent support for research and training is vital to achieving this success.”

Professor Cory noted that university research funding through the Sustainable Research Excellence (SRE) initiative is expected to decline, and funding increases to be delayed.

“We are concerned that funding for Universities has been re-profiled and will not reach planned levels for several years,” she said.

“However the Academy recognises that this is a time of significant fiscal pressure and is grateful that in this climate much of the research budget has been preserved.”

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