Teachers Notes - Dr Cyril Appleby

Plant biologist


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Doctor Cyril Angus Appleby was interviewed in 2011 for the Interviews with Australian scientists series. By viewing the interviews in this series or reading the transcripts and extracts, your students can begin to appreciate Australia's contribution to the growth of scientific knowledge and view science as a human endeavour. These interviews specifically tie into the Australian Curriculum strand ‘Science as a human endeavour’ and its two sub-strands ‘Nature and development of science’ and ‘Use and influence of science’.

The following summary of Dr Appleby’s career sets the context for the extract chosen for these teachers’ notes. The extract discusses how he first crystallised plant cytochrome through being “careless” and helped to shed lights on the origin of plant kingdom haemoglobins. Use the focus questions that accompany the extract to promote discussion among your students.

Summary of career

Cyril Angus Appleby was born at Victor Harbor, South Australia, in 1928. He attended Victor Harbor Primary School from 1924 to1934 and Victor Harbor High School from 1941 to1944. Despite being labelled “precocious” by one of his primary school teachers, Appleby successfully obtained a State Government scholarship to study at Adelaide High School in 1945, which allowed him to sit for the Leaving Honours Certificate. He then went on to be awarded a Commonwealth Government Scholarship that allowed him to study science at the University of Adelaide between 1946 and 1949.

Appleby obtained his BSc in 1949 and Honours in Biochemistry in 1950 from the University of Adelaide. After various short stints as a biochemistry demonstrator in Adelaide and a laboratory technician at the Queensland Institute of Medical Research in Brisbane, he went on to study for his PhD at the Department of Biochemistry at the University of Melbourne. His thesis was entitled: “The Cytochrome-linked Dehydrogenase Systems of Yeasts and Higher Plants” and his PhD research findings included the first ever crystallisation of a cytochrome. In 1956 Appleby became a Research Scientist in the Biochemistry Section of the Division of Plant Industry at CSIRO, Canberra. There he researched the structure, genetic origin and biological function of plant-kingdom and microbial haemoglobins and cytochromes, particularly within the nitrogen-fixing symbioses of legume and non-legume plants.

Whilst at CSIRO Appleby fostered several international partnerships with overseas laboratories. In 1959 he travelled to Boston as a Rockefeller Foundation Fellow at Brandeis University. In 1971 and many times later he worked at the Department of Physiology and Biophysics at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York. Other international laboratory visits included the Institute of Organic Chemistry at the Bulgarian Academy of Science, Sofia (1978 and 1988); the Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research and the Department of Chemistry at the University of Alberta (1983); Kings College, London and University College, Cardiff (1983); the Scripps Institute of Molecular Biology (1984 and 1986); the Department of Biochemistry of Cornell University (1984 and 1986); Carlsberg Laboratory, Copenhagen (1987); Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (E.T.H.), Zurich (1989).

Appleby was awarded the LKB Medal of the Australian Biochemical Society in 1979. He continued working at CSIRO within the Nitrogen Fixation Program until his retirement as a Chief Research Scientist in November 1988 and became an Honorary Research Fellow at CSIRO in 1988.
Dr Appleby was elected to the Fellowship of the Australian Academy of Science in 1984. 

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Extract from interview

Hard work and “carelessness” leads to a world first

As I understand it, Cyril, when you were trying to crystallise this flavonoid cytochrome, which was something that was going to be very hard to do, you were a little bit naughty in terms of your lab duties and went off on a picnic; is that right?

Well, I had found that by acetone fractionation, first stirring in cold acetone to 30% in the steel beaker instead of having to centrifuge the curdy suspension (we did not have a large, refrigerated centrifuge), the precipitate would stick to the sides of the beaker. I would discard this first precipitate because the assay showed no cytochrome b2 and little enzyme activity. Then, at 35% acetone a lovely red oil would separate out. You didn’t even have to centrifuge it; you just had to carefully decant the clear paler red supernatant. This lovely red oil could then be dissolved in a dilute lactate buffer. Lactate proved to be a very important protectant; in general terms, if one can keep a dehydrogenase enzyme reduced, it’s more stable.

I was getting on and on and the purification was getting better and better and already I could see that the lactic dehydrogenase, which was assayed using ferricyanide or cytochrome c as the electron acceptor, was being purified in exact parallel to cytochrome b2 which I was detecting with a microspectroscope or spectrophotometer. I thought, ‘I have got Morton; this dehydrogenase is a cytochrome’.

But one Wednesday I had finished some work trying to adsorb the enzyme on calcium phosphate gel and, by nightfall I’d had enough. I thought, ‘I really am going to go to the staff picnic in the Dandenongs tomorrow’. So I left the rest of the preparation, which had been dialysed to a very low salt concentration with lactate present, under nitrogen in a small tube in the cold room for a day and a half. I came back on the Friday morning and became worried because there was a turbid precipitate in the tube. I thought, ‘This is bad’. But then, when I looked carefully with a hand spectroscope, by moving down the tube I could see a lot of cytochrome c at the top, and down the bottom a different, intense red-pink band which was indicative of cytochrome b2. I thought, ‘My God, I have either done it or I have stuffed it’.

You had the tube with the apparent crystals and Dr Morton became very excited. When did he actually see that?

Morton came in at about five past nine, just before his first lecture. He said ‘Mr Appleby, why are you looking so upset?’ Then I said, ‘Well, I think I have managed to precipitate all of the cytochrome b2’. ‘Mr Appleby, how careless of you. Instead of working yesterday, you went off to a staff picnic’. So he grabbed the tube out of my hand and flicked it and in doing so generated a schlieren, a reflectance pattern characteristic of a crystalline protein. This was something I had not seen before. ‘Mr Appleby, Mr Appleby, crystals, crystals!’ he cried. He grabbed the tube and raced down the corridor to the professor's office. ‘Professor, professor, I have crystallised—ah, ah—we have crystallised the first ever cytochrome’. (In fact I, with Morton’s careful guidance, went on to show that the homogeneous crystalline enzyme contained both flavin and haem prosthetic groups in equal proportion––this was a world first.)

Bucket biochemistry, followed by protein and gene sequencing, shed light on the origin of plant kingdom haemoglobins

Now you became interested in another plant that wasn’t a legume but it had nodules and haemoglobin.

Mike Trinick, a Perth then Canberra CSIRO colleague, had work in New Guinea during the 1960s. One day his then technician said, ‘Dr. Trinick, I have found that this plant Parasponia’—which was an opportunistic Ulmaceae species growing between rows in a new coffee plantation—‘has nodulated roots’. Trinick established that the nodules contained Rhizobium and that they were involved in symbiotic nitrogen fixation. Today, it remains the only situation where a non-legume plant has been found to be associated with Rhizobium in a nitrogen-fixing symbiosis.

Yes; because others like Casuarina have a different bacterium symbiont.

Before Trinick’s discovery of the Parasponia symbiosis, and with haemoglobin known to be widespread in animals but only once in plants (in legume nodules), it was thought that maybe it had got there by a unique act of horizontal gene transmission. Perhaps an insect, via a viral vector, had managed to stick the gene into the plant. I thought–– ‘Now, if I could get hold of Trinick’s Parasponia nodules and show that they contained haemoglobin, we could extract, purify and characterise it and then determine its gene structure’.

So that is when you came to us.

Yes, if that supposed unique act of horizontal gene transmission to a primitive legume could be ruled out, then one had to start thinking about vertical descent of haemoglobin genes between the plant and animal kingdoms.

And we did it!

We did it, yes. (By classical biochemical procedures I extracted and purified much haemoglobin from Parasponia root nodules. Alex Kortt, a Melbourne CSIRO colleague determined its amino acid sequence then Jim Peacock’s group used a gene probe based on this sequence to isolate and characterise the Trema haemoglobin gene. Its similarity to the legume and animal haemoglobin genes was very obvious. We went on to isolate and characterise haemoglobins and/or their genes from other plants, showing that they and animal haemoglobin genes did indeed have a common origin.)

An edited transcript of the full interview can be found at:

Focus questions

[Students may need access to a science reference book, dictionary or the internet to answer some of these questions.]

  • Use reference books and/or the internet to define the following terms:
      • Legume
      • Plant nodule
      • Haemoglobin
      • Leghaemoglobin
      • Genes
      • Gene transfer
      • Symbiosis
      • Symbiont
      • Nitrogen fixation
      • Rhizobium
    • Dr Appleby used a lactate buffer in his crystallisation procedure. What was its role?
    • Draw the chemical structure for acetone. What is its proper chemical name?
    • What is a spectroscope and what does it do? Why was it important for Dr Appleby’s research?
    • What is nitrogen fixation? Briefly describe why it is important in agriculture.
    • What is the name of the enzyme involved in nitrogen fixation?
    • Dr Appleby’s work led to demonstration that haemoglobins were present throughout the plant kingdom and that plant and animal haemoglobin had a common genetic origin. After reading the transcript extract, what term is used to describe this kind of gene transmission?
    • What is the function of haemoglobin in (a) plants and (b) animals? Where can it be found in each?
    • What is the main difference between haemoglobin and leghaemoglobin? Why is leghaemoglobin important?
  • Dr Appleby’s research has focused on basic plant research as opposed to applied plant research. Ask students to read ‘Why do basic research?’ (National Institute of General Medical Sciences, National Institutes of Health, USA) and debate the merits of both kinds of scientific research.

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Select activities that are most appropriate for your lesson plan or add your own. These activities align with the Australian Curriculum strands ‘Science Understanding’, ‘Science as a Human Endeavour’ and ‘Science Inquiry Skills’, as well as the New South Wales syllabus Stage 6 Senior Science outcome 9.3.1 and Stage 6 Biology outcome 9.5.6. You can also encourage students to identify key issues in the preceding extract and devise their own questions or topics for discussion.

• One of Dr Appleby’s first major scientific breakthroughs was partially caused through what his supervisor called being ‘careless’. Break into small groups and research other major scientific findings that have been happy accidents. Report them to the class and discuss how these so called accidents have contributed to our scientific knowledge, and how our life might be different without them.

Australian Academy of Science

Nodulation activity (Centre for Legumes in Mediterranean Agriculture, University of Western Australia)
Students dig up leguminous plants to look for nitrogen fixing nodules.

The nitrogen fate transformations game (Laboratory for Terrestrial Physics, NASA)
Students use a board game to learn about the numerous forms of nitrogen in the soil and the chemical processes that link these different forms.

An investigation into effects of Rhizobium soil bacteria on nitrogen availability (National Teachers Enhancement Network, USA)
This experiment makes use of a soil bacterium and a host legume to demonstrate the effects that soil microbes can have on soil fertility and nutrient availability.

Nitrogen fixation in root nodules (Earth System Research Laboratory, USA)
A practical for higher grades. Examines the structure and function of root nodules in legumes, and the effect of excessive fertiliser use on the nitrogen cycle.

Presence of nitrogen fixing bacteria in soil.
A practical where students grow nitrogen fixing legumes and compare the number and size of nodules that are produced under different conditions. (There is also a similar practical suitable for higher class grades from access excellence.org.)

Links to a variety of teaching resources that involve nitrogen fixation in plants: http://www.lessonplanet.com/lesson-plans/nitrogen-fixation

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nitrogen fixation

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