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Searching the deep Earth: A vision for exploration geoscience in Australia
Uncover Summit presentations
Uncover Summit presentations
Session 1
What is the future for government geoscience initiatives in Australia?
Minerals down under flagship
Leveraging investment in the Earth sciences to meet future mineral discovery challenges
Making Australia competitive: undercover mineral discovery
A national trajectory for geoscience research in Australia and some historical perspectives towards UNCOVER
Session 2
Industry requirements for undercover exploration
Minerals industry challenges: unlocking Australia's potential through collaboration
Challenges and opportunities for under-cover exploration in Australia
What’s needed, and what’s not
Session 3
Innovation to support the UNCOVER Business
The cover: love thy enemy
Transported cover: friend not an enemy
Session 4
Australia’s lithospheric architecture: imaging for under cover mineral discovery
Archean SCLM: what do we (think we) know?
Next generation 3D modelling and inversion: what you don't know can help you
Session 5
Theory of constraints applied to mineral systems
Isotope geology through space and time: a tool for understanding crustal evolution
Resolving the 4D geodynamic and metallogenic evolution of (west) Australia: towards better prediction
Session 6
Sizing up the footprint: concepts in regional scale undercover geochemistry
Footprints in the Great Sandy Desert
Regional 3D mineral potential modelling using geology and geophysics
Teaching an old dog new tricks: stable isotopes in mineral exploration
Session 7
Exploration spend and historic discovery rates
Round table summary
Session 8
UNCOVER stakeholders
UNCOVER initiatives
Quickfire sessions
Chasing Bolkwagons at 2km with IP
OZ SEEBASE: basement uncovered
TerraneChron: remote sensing with detrital samples
Seismic and mineral exploration: time for a new relationship
Victoria's Earth resources under cover
Constraining thickness of transported cover and basement geology: tasmanides undercover in NSW
Deep imaging and monitoring with magnetotellurics
Pyrite geochemistry; an exciting ore finder
Greenfield identification: big picture matters
Metallogenic analysis: defining and mapping mineral systems
Overcoming ground disturbance issues with alternative techniques
Mineral systems of north-east Queensland
Passive seismic for mineral exploration under cover
Chasing Volkwagons at 2km with IP
Mapping mineral systems under cover: using drill rigs instead of geological hammers
The Use of Sulfide Trace Element Chemistries for Orogenic Gold Deposit Exploration
Understanding the regolith
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