Nova tackles bushfire, bugs, bionics, batteries

Bionic limbs, antimicrobial resistance, the effect of noise pollution effect on the environment, different ways of measuring time, how a battery works, and what gives the human brain the edge—these are just some of the topics recently explored on the Academy’s popular-science website Nova: science for curious minds.

simple drawing of the human brain
Are you an expert in an area of science?

Upcoming topics include automated labour, forensics, and the future of batteries.

All Nova topics are reviewed by Australian experts, many of whom are Academy Fellows—a major point of difference from many other science websites.

Wanted: your expertise

Are you an expert in an area of science? Could you spare some time to review a Nova topic? Or perhaps you have ideas for topics Nova could cover in the future, or have great science images or interactives? If so, we’d love to hear from you! Contact the Nova team to let us know you’re interested. 

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