'The mathematical sciences in Australia: a vision for 2025' was published in March 2016 and is the first ten-year plan representing the strategic vision for the discipline.
Fundamental to the plan is provision of a high quality mathematics education for all Australian students. In an increasingly mathematical world, this will open their career choices and drive Australian innovation.
The document is an end product of an extensive consultation process run by the National Committee for Mathematical Sciences. The plan summarises key opportunities and challenges facing the discipline, and is accompanied by an ongoing commitment to work collaboratively with universities, school authorities and the Australian Government to deliver the shared vision.
Annual implementation report year 1 (2016–2017)
Annual implementation report year 2 (2017–2018)
Annual implementation report year 3 (2018–2019)
The National Committee for Mathematical Sciences aims to foster mathematical sciences in Australia, to link the Academy to Australian mathematical scientists and relevant societies, and to serve as a link between Australian and overseas mathematical scientists, for example through the International Mathematical Union and the International Commission on Mathematical Instruction.
The committee has developed the first decadal plan for the mathematical sciences in Australia. The committee intends to review the plan on an annual basis and intends to work closely with key stakeholders of the mathematical sciences community to implement the recommendations of the plan.
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