Meet the new Academy Fellows during Science at the Shine Dome

May 29, 2013

Play a game of quantum billiards, find out how genome sequencing technology will revolutionise the practice of medicine and gain an insight into the dramatic changes the ocean is undergoing, as the Australian Academy of Science showcases the work of its new Fellows during Science at the Shine Dome 29-31 May.

The Fellowship of the Academy comprises around 460 of Australia's top scientists. Each year, scientists judged by their peers to have made an exceptional contribution to their field are elected into the Fellowship.

Twenty-one high achievers from all fields of science will be admitted as new Fellows of the

Academy and will speak on their ground-breaking research, including:

  • Professor Matthew Brown from the University of Queensland will talk about how genome sequencing will revolutionise the practice of medicine.
  • Dr Richard Richards from CSIRO Plant Industry will address meeting future food requirements by designing better crops using genetics.
  • Professor Andrew Hassell from the Australian National University will present the phenomenon of quantum billiards.
  • Professor Ove Hoegh-Guldberg from the University of Queensland will discuss the rapid changes the sea is undergoing – at rates not been seen for millions of years.
  • Professor Yuri Estrin from Monash University will speak about the use of nanomaterials in medical implants and more.
Event details
Event: Meet the new Academy Fellows during Science at the Shine Dome
Date: 29 May 2013 (9am - 5pm)
Venue: The Shine Dome, Gordon Street, Acton, Canberra
Twitter: @Science_Academy #ShineDome2012

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