Scientific collaboration strengthened with Indonesia

June 11, 2013

The Australian Academy of Science and the Indonesian Academy of Sciences will today sign a new memorandum of understanding (MOU) on Scientific Cooperation.

The President of the Australian Academy of Science, Professor Suzanne Cory, is currently visiting Indonesia by invitation of the Australian Embassy in Jakarta and the President of Indonesian Academy of Sciences, Professor Sangkot Marzuki.

Professor Cory said she hopes the MOU will strengthen Australia’s scientific ties with one of its closest neighbours.

“Australia needs to increase its level of global engagement in science and technology in the national interest,” Professor Cory said.

“One way to do this is through regional collaboration.

“I hope to facilitate the ongoing cooperation between Australia and Indonesia in research and science education.”

During the visit, Professor Cory will deliver seminars at Universitas Hasanuddin in Makassar, the Australian Embassy in Jakarta and Universitas Gadjah Mada in Jogjakarta.

The Academy, on behalf of the Department of Industry, Innovation, Climate Change, Science, Research and Tertiary Education (DIICCSRTE), has previously facilitated a number of bilateral events together with the Indonesian Ministry for Research and Technology:

  • Joint symposium on science and technology (2006)
  • Joint working group in science and innovation, research and technology (2007)
  • Workshop on human health including infectious diseases (2008)
  • Workshop on agriculture and food security (2009)
  • Workshop on environmental science (2011)

In addition, the Academy’s Science by Doing team is assisting Indonesia to develop a pilot science curriculum unit for Indonesian secondary school students written in Bahasa Indonesia. If the pilot is successful, this will be used as model for a full suite of units for Indonesia. The program is funded by the Australian government through AusAID and DIICCSRTE.

Professor Cory is visiting Indonesia until 19 June 2013.

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