Academy President to Press Club: Invest in science or fall behind

July 03, 2013

President of the Australian Academy of Science, Professor Suzanne Cory, today launched the Academy’s policy platform for the 2013 federal election, during her address at the National Press Club of Australia.

Professor Cory highlighted the importance of a sustained and strategic approach to science if Australia is to thrive.

“Australia must invest more in research and development: to protect our economic competitiveness, our social wellbeing, and our quality of life; to build our resilience and to protect our future productivity,” Professor Cory said.

“We must invest in high quality STEM education that will produce and sustain internationally competitive scientists, mathematicians, technologists and engineers; a broadly skilled workforce and a scientifically literate community.”

Professor Cory issued a challenge to all decision makers in the lead up to the federal election.

“I challenge the government, the alternative government and cross bench parliamentarians to develop strategic decadal plans for science and education for Australia,” she said.

“I challenge them to articulate their science and education policies before we are called upon to vote.”
Professor Cory added, “If the next Australian government embraces reform to properly fund Australian science and education, now and into the future, the Australian Academy of Science will be loud and proud in backing those reforms.”

A full copy of Professor Cory’s speech is available here.

The Academy’s election policy statement is available online here.

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