Australian Academy of Science welcomes Abbott government

September 09, 2013

The Australian Academy of Science today congratulated the Coalition and welcomed the Abbott Government.

“The Academy acknowledges Prime Minister Abbott’s commitment to ‘provide the long term, stable policies and vision that our nation’s scientists and researchers need to excel in their work’,” said Academy Secretary for Science Policy Professor Les Field.

“We further welcome the Coalition’s commitment to support important and high-quality science education initiatives, including the Academy’s primary and secondary school science programs Primary Connections and Science by Doing.

“Science and science education are crucial to protecting and enhancing Australia’s economic competitiveness, social wellbeing and quality of life, to build resilience and to increase future productivity.”

Professor Field said that “The Australian Academy of Science looks forward to working with Mr Abbott’s new ministry, when this is announced, to assist the Government to engage with the science and research communities and put Australia on the best trajectory for the future”.

Tony Abbott (2013) Fostering Australian Scientific Research. Media release, 17/6/13, Available at:

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