Chemistry pioneer takes over Academy presidency

May 28, 2014

A pioneer in organic electronics will today become the Australian Academy of Science’s new President.

Professor Andrew Holmes will formally take over from current president Professor Suzanne Cory at the Academy’s annual general meeting in Canberra.

Professor Holmes said it was “an honour to succeed Professor Suzanne Cory who has done so much for Australian science and the Academy”.

“At this crucial time, it is essential to recognise the role of science and technology for wealth creation and improved productivity.”

Professor Cory said that Professor Holmes is “an ideal choice to lead the Academy”.

“His proven track record as a science leader and strong international reputation means the Academy will be in safe hands,” she said.

Professor Holmes has been recognised for his ground-breaking work on light-emitting polymers. These polymers play an important role in the newly emerging field of flexible electronics and have applications in flat-screen televisions and solar cells.

He has also been the recipient of a long list of awards including the Royal Society’s Royal Medal and the Descartes Prize.

Professor Holmes was elected to the Academy in 2006 and has served as Foreign Secretary since 2010. He is also a Fellow of the Royal Society of London and a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering.

He is currently a Melbourne Laureate Professor Emeritus at the Bio21 Institute in the University of Melbourne and a CSIRO Fellow at CSIRO Materials Science and Engineering.

Along with a new president, two new secretaries of the Academy will take office at the annual meeting — botanist Professor Pauline Ladiges will take over from Professor Jenny Graves as Secretary of Education and Public Awareness, and mathematician Professor Cheryl Praeger will assume the role of Foreign Secretary.

Professor Holmes will become the 18th president of the Academy. Past presidents have included Sir Gus Nossal and Sir Mark Oliphant. The presidency alternates between the physical and biological sciences every four years.

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