Academy welcomes new Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science

January 18, 2017

The Australian Academy of Science has welcomed newly-appointed Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science—Senator Arthur Sinodinos AO, and congratulates Minister Greg Hunt MP on his appointment as Minister for Health and Sport.

“The science sector has sincerely appreciated Minister Hunt’s commitment to science and innovation, his willingness to engage with and understand issues facing the sector and his leadership of the National Innovation and Science Agenda,” said Academy President Professor Andrew Holmes.

“During his term as Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science Minister Hunt established the Office of Innovation and Science Australia and made a number of timely and welcome commitments to science and innovation as drivers of Australia’s economy and social prosperity for the future.”

“His commitment to building international links, including ties to South East Asia and the United States has positioned Australia’s innovation sector to make a real global impact, and he recognised and affirmed the importance of the CSIRO as Australia’s flagship science and innovation agency.”

“The Academy of Science looks forward to continuing to work with Minister Hunt in his new portfolio on the many pressing challenges in health and medical research.”

Professor Holmes also welcomed the appointment of Senator Arthur Sinodinos as the new Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science.

“Minister Sinodinos brings a wealth of public policy experience to this portfolio that will help translate Australian research in areas such as medicine, clean energy and the basic physical and biological sciences into the economic growth that underpins a strong nation,” said Professor Holmes.

“We look forward to working with Minister Sinodinos to continue building Australia’s science and innovation capacity and underlying policies to ensure that Australia remains a leading nation driven and underpinned by ideas, research and innovation.”

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