Message from the Chief Executive—October 2017

October 06, 2017
Anna-Maria Arabia

Dear Fellows and friends of the Academy

I’m delighted to present you with the Academy of Science’s October newsletter. Our newsletter will now be published on a monthly basis and it is our hope that you will enjoy reading the latest news about the activities of the Academy.

In this month’s edition we have included a snapshot of one of the Academy’s education programs, Science by Doing, some highlights of our international activities showing some of the many ways we work across the globe and in collaboration with our international partners, and a range of awards that are open for application. We also mourn the passing of Academy Fellows Dr Keith Norrish AO FAA and Professor Neville Fletcher AM FAA FTSE.

The Academy works hard to be a strong and effective voice on STEM matters, often making representations to parliamentarians and keeping the lines of communication open with decision makers. This month has been no exception, as we have stepped up our advocacy efforts regarding the proposed abolition of the Education Investment Fund (EIF). Historically, the EIF has provided important funding for research infrastructure in NCRIS facilities and within universities. The Parliament is likely to debate this Bill in October and the Academy has made both written and oral submissions, most recently giving evidence at a Senate inquiry on this matter.

Lastly, join us at the next event in the Academy’s Plastic Fantastic National Speaker Series—Making Better Humans—to be held in Adelaide on Thursday 2 November. The presenters explore the world of polymers and how they are being used to improve health and well-being. The 2017 National Speaker Series is presented with the generous support of Academy Fellow and developer of the polymer banknote, Professor David Solomon AC FAA. Tickets will be on sale soon—see more about this event.

I hope you enjoy the October newsletter and please be free to contact me at any time.

Best wishes

Anna-Maria Arabia
Chief Executive

© 2025 Australian Academy of Science
