International news—November 2017

November 09, 2017

International forum makes progress on science and technology in society

The Japanese Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe, addressing the forum in Kyoto.

An international forum in early October brought nearly 1400 global leaders in science, technology and other areas to address major societal challenges.

The Science and Technology in Society forum in Kyoto attracted science leaders from academia, government and industry. Academy President Professor Andrew Holmes represented the Academy at the forum.

The forum themes focused on:

  • energy, resources and environment
  • life sciences and health care
  • digitised society
  • research and innovation
  • cooperation in science and technology.

The meeting attracted a large number of Nobel Laureates and other senior science leaders, and provided opportunities for younger science leaders to attend.

The Japanese Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe, addressed the meeting and the Crown Prince and Princess attended the closing session.

Professor Holmes also attended a special session for Presidents of Science Academies where the topic of transdisciplinary research was discussed.

More about the forum outcomes

Australian researcher with French colleagues detect the neutron star merger kilonova

In August this year Associate Professor David Coward, from the University of Western Australia, was part of a team that discovered the neutron star merger kilonova, while working with French collaborators.

Associate Professor Coward was awarded a 2016 France–Australia Science Innovation Collaboration (FASIC) grant for early- and mid-career researchers to conduct research on new robotic telescope technologies for the discovery of optical counterparts to gravitational waves, fast radio bursts and space debris tracking, with researchers from the Cote d’Azur Observatory in Nice, France.

The FASIC grant was administered by the Academy and funded by the Embassy of France in Australia.

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