Kick-starting collaboration

The entire research sector is being encouraged to collaborate in order to drive innovation.

How can EMCRs, often at the coalface of such changes, form successful collaborations and thrive in this new environment?

Does our culture need to change if we are serious about driving innovation?

How can leaders in the sector foster a supportive environment for collaboration?

Kick-starting collaboration aims to address these issues and put EMCRs at the forefront of decisions which are changing the future of the research landscape.

What can you find here?


Learn about what motivates research in other parts of the sector and how to go about finding collaborators in our how-to guides.

Gain inspiration from case studies showcasing EMCRs successfully collaborating.

Want to dive deeper? Read the Forum’s previous work in this space and visit the want more on collaboration page to access a range of additional resources from around the web.

Join the conversation on Twitter using #kickstartcollab

For decision makers

Effective collaboration involves establishing cultural change. Explore the EMCR Forum’s guide on how we can achieve this as a sector.

Read and support the EMCR Forum’s Big ideas to spark collaboration

Get in contact with the EMCR Forum so we can work together to support a lasting legacy of collaboration, innovation and cross-sector engagement.

How-to guides

Universities explained

A guide for EMCRs looking to collaborate with universities

Industry explained

A guide for EMCRs looking to collaborate with industry

The research landscape

A guide for EMCRs to research outside universities and industry

Establishing a culture of engagement

A guide for decision makers to foster a supportive environment for collaboration


Read case studies of Australian EMCRs successfully collaborating across sectors

Read our Big Ideas to spark collaboration in Australia

Contact us to share your story.

Want more?

More from the EMCR Forum

Starting the conversation between academia and industry is a discussion paper addressing issues on how Australia can best bridge the divide between industry and universities. It is the precursor to kick-starting collaboration and contains a more in depth look at the various sectors. 

‘Research Translation and Innovation’ was an event held by Nature Research on 11 August 2016 to discuss how to foster engagement between academic research and the commercial community. Members of the EMCR Forum executive attended the symposium and produced a report summarising the event.

More from other sources

It's good for EMCRs and decision makers to know that they're not alone in their interest in collaboration. So while innovation is always encouraged, don't feel the need to reinvent the wheel. There are a whole range of detailed reports, government resources, dedicated organisations, and popular articles on many facets of this topic. Read our collection of resources about collaboration; it isn't an exhaustive list but is sure to include something of interest to everyone.

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