Hamish Clarke
EMCR Pathways Editor & EMCR Forum Executive Member
Australian Academy of Science
2017, you are not allowed to pass this quickly! There are things I planned to get done by November that I can say with very high confidence are now looking exceptionally unlikely (thank you, IPCC terminology). Luckily there’s a whole new issue of EMCR Pathways I can distract myself with.
We start the November Issue with news from our Chair, Carly Rosewarne. Carly gives us a sneak preview of Science Pathways 2018, the premiere event for EMCRs next year. Diaries out! She also catches us up on our recent meeting with the new CEO of the ARC, Professor Sue Thomas, and tells us about a workshop the Forum attended on sponsorship.
The next instalment of our Inspiring EMCR series features molecular neurobiologist Natalie Matosin, who researches stress and epigenetics at the Max Planck Institute for Psychiatry in Germany. Natalie, thanks so much for your contribution (and patience!) and to the rest of you EMCRs, get writing! You’ve all got a unique story to tell and we’d love to share it right here.
I’m very excited to debut two new features this issue (kind of like two new publications, right?). The first is Spotlight on EMCR groups, where we take a moment to applaud the fantastic work being done around the country by groups that support early- and mid-career researchers. This issue we hear about APECS, the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists.
The second new feature we’re debuting is EMCR Agony Aunt, which is just what it sounds like! If you’re in a tricky situation, have a head-scratching problem or just want to have a whinge, drop us a line. We’ll do our best to combine the collective wisdom of the Forum Executive or failing that, my sense of humour, in response. Anonymity guaranteed.
We are delighted to share another conference report with you this edition, this time from the La Trobe University ECR Conference. Congrats to the organisers on an awesome event.
And, as always, make sure you check out what the EMCR Forum has been up to.
Thank you Sandra Gardam for your typical excellence in putting together Pathways and supporting the Forum.
Our door is always open, whether you’d like to share something for the next issue of EMCR Pathways or have something to tell us or ask. You can reach us by email or on Twitter @EMCRForum.
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