Welcome from 2018 Chair

New Chair Drew Evans talks about what the EMCR Forum will be working on this 2018

Associate Professor Drew Evans
Chair of the EMCR Forum

Like every year, 2018 is shaping up to be just as big as every other year that has come before it. These first few weeks of the year represent the transition in our Executive volunteers. Thanks is given to the individuals who contributed in 2017 but won’t be joining the team in 2018. A warm welcome is also given to the new Executive members joining the team from 2018 onwards. This renewal of the Executive ensures the EMCR Forum stays fresh and dynamic to be the current voice of Australia’s EMCRs.

Over the past two years, the EMCR Forum Executive has not only produced a 5-year strategic plan, but also made great leaps and bounds in implementing the plan. A huge amount of credit should go to past Chairs Nikola Bowden (2016) and Carly Rosewarne (2017). These two fabulous leaders have put the EMCR Forum in a good position upon which to build. Build you say? Building what? As the voice of Australia’s EMCRs, the EMCR Forum embodies all early- and mid-career researchers in Australia. And as a collective we advocate with decision-makers, and together develop our skills and attributes to make us stronger as a group, but importantly strong individuals, too. From this the Executive are charged with building the EMCR Forum’s profile. We want to engage more of Australia’s EMCRs, especially those employed outside of universities. We want to facilitate greater discussion on diverse career paths and diverse role models. We want to have greater influence with decision-makers, ensuring our voice is heard at the right time and place, with the people who matter. We want to raise our profile on the international stage, too.

Now is also the time for EMCRs to set aside some dates in their calendars. Over the two days of the 23rd and 24th of April, Science Pathways 2018 will be held in Brisbane. This version of Science Pathways will be titled ‘Diversify your thinking’, opening the discussion around diversity. Topics to be discussed will explore different aspects of diversity, from gender to culture, and through to diversity in funding. A big thanks goes to Carly Rosewarne for her tireless efforts in bringing this event to life. Read more about it later in the newsletter or check out the website.

On a parting note, I encourage EMCRs to keep abreast of different EMCR Forum activities. Please stay in touch with us via twitter @EMCRForum or email: emcr@science.org.au. We are always looking for local leaders: people who are supporting their peers through a range of different avenues. This may be hosting local events, or connecting EMCRs with the EMCR Forum, or contributing to our many calls for input. Without the support and help from our many EMCRs around Australia, the EMCR Forum would not be. So together let’s make 2018 a big (positive) year for all.

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