Primary Connections: 15 years linking science and literacy

April 16, 2018

The Academy’s Primary Connections program is celebrating 15 years building the confidence and competence of tens of thousands of teachers to teach science and literacy in primary schools.

Major achievements of the program include extensive evidence that the program has a positive impact on teachers and students, the development of an Indigenous perspectives framework, and multiple awards.

I highly recommend this workshop and think it should be compulsory! Primary Connections puts students in the driver’s seat and encourages them to find answers to their own questions. This model should be encouraged in all teachers. Primary science teacher, WA.

The program is endorsed by Nobel Laureate and Vice-Chancellor of the Australian National University, Professor Brian Schmidt.

Along with professional learning opportunities, teachers have access to 38 science units for the classroom. Resources are developed by curriculum experts and reviewed by educational experts, teachers and scientists.

Primary Connections is supported by the Australian Government Department of Education and Training through the Maths and Science Participation Program.

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