Register now for the Academy’s annual three-day flagship event, which brings Australia’s most influential scientists to the iconic Shine Dome in Canberra. From 22 to 24 May, the Shine Dome will be the meeting place for researchers from all disciplines and career levels to celebrate science and to honour outstanding achievements in science. Registration closes 5pm 16 May; for registration enquiries after this date please email
Over these three day, we will admit new Fellows to the Australian Academy of Science, award medals to honour excellence at all career levels, enjoy a networking gala dinner with political, science sector and industry representatives, host a high-powered symposium on an issue of national importance, and launch an award for Aboriginal and Torres Strait scientists.
This celebration of Australian science is made possible through many partnerships. This year we welcome Defence Science and Technology, which has joined us as the Platinum Partner for Science at the Shine Dome. We also thank the University of Melbourne, the Australian National University, Monash University, the University of Queensland and the Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, which are supporting us to make this event happen in 2018.
Find out more about all our event partners
Our one-day symposium in 2018 is Predict, Respond, Recover: science and natural disasters, and is made possible with the support of the Bushfire & Natural Hazards Cooperative Research Centre. The symposium is focusing on the role science plays in predicting, mitigating, responding to and recovering from natural hazards and weather events, and we will hear from a number of experts including keynote speakers Mr Mark Crosweller, Dr Richard Thornton and Dr Sue Barrell.
With the support of other symposium partners, the Bureau of Meteorology, the University of New South Wales, Queensland University of Technology and the Cyclone Testing Centre, we will also hear from Dr Dragana Zovko Rajak, Dr Sarah Perkins Kirkpatrick, Associate Professor Jason Sharples, Asssociate Professor Mark Quigley, Professor Terry Hughes, Professor Helen Berry, and Professor Vivienne Tippett.
This year’s annual gala dinner is one not to miss, and tickets are selling quickly! Our special guest is 2018 Australian of the Year, Academy Fellow Professor Michelle Simmons who will be in conversation with Virginia Haussegger AM, Director of the 50/50 by 2030 Foundation. We will also hear from Professor Alex Brown from UniSA, our major sponsor for the dinner.
In 2018, for the first time, the Academy will be offering support to parents and carers who wish attend the event. Through the support of the University of Sydney, onsite child minding is available, along with carer grants of up to $500 to enable delegates with caring responsibilities to attend. The Academy is proud to be working with the university to make our event more accessible.
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