Nanostructured energy materials

About Professor Steiner

Ullrich Steiner is the John Humphrey Plummer Professor of the Physics of Materials at the Cavendsh Laboratory, Department of Physics at the University of Cambridge. He is a fellow of St. Edmunds College, Cambridge and a fellow the Royal Society of Chemistry.

His areas of research include the physics of pattern formation on surfaces and in thin films, the properties of polymer in confinement, the synthesis of inorganic materials in self-assembled organic templates, the control of the nanometer morphologies in organic and dyes sensitised solar cells, and biomimetic formation of sub-micrometre morphologies.

Professor Steiner studied physics at the University of Konstanz and the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel. He completed his Diploma in 1989 and his Doctorate in 1993.

In 2002, he was awarded the 2002 Raymond and Beverley Sackler Prize in the Physical Sciences. He is the current Chairman of the Editorial Board of the RSC journal Soft Matter.

About the Lecture

The performance of many multi-component materials depends sensitively on their detailed morphology. Structure control on the 10-nm length scale is thought to approach the physical limit of this optimisation procedure. For example, materials for photovoltaics, batteries, supercapacitors, and fuel cells rely on the detailed assembly of several components. Essential for these applications is not only the maximisation of the surface-to-volume ratio but also the inter-connectivity of the constituent phases. Random assemblies of nanoscopic building blocks, while excelling in the first property, offer very little control over the detailed structure formation on the 10-nm length scale.

Organic self-assembly, on the other hand excels in the structural control on the 10-nm length scale, but is limited to organic materials. Here, we employ polymer-self-assembly to construct inorganic material assemblies, with the aim of optimising electronic and optical functionalities for a variety of applications. In particular, this lecture introduces several ways in which the self-assembly of block copolymers can be used to control the structure formation on the 10-nm-scale of organic, inorganic and organic/inorganic composite materials for the manufacture of solar cells and super-capacitors.

The Selby Fellowship

Selby Fellowships are awarded to distinguished overseas scientists to visit to visit scientific centres in Australia. Fellows are expected to increase public awareness of science and scientific issues. The Fellowship is financed through the generosity of the trustees of the Selby Scientific Foundation.

The University of Sydney, Chemistry LT2, Level 1, School of Chemistry,Eastern Avenue New South Wales

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11:00 AM February 19, 2014
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About Professor Steiner

Ullrich Steiner is the John Humphrey Plummer Professor of the Physics of Materials at the Cavendsh Laboratory, Department of Physics at the University of Cambridge. He is a fellow of St. Edmunds College, Cambridge and a fellow the Royal Society of Chemistry.

His areas of research include the physics of pattern formation on surfaces and in thin films, the properties of polymer in confinement, the synthesis of inorganic materials in self-assembled organic templates, the control of the nanometer morphologies in organic and dyes sensitised solar cells, and biomimetic formation of sub-micrometre morphologies.

Professor Steiner studied physics at the University of Konstanz and the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel. He completed his Diploma in 1989 and his Doctorate in 1993.

In 2002, he was awarded the 2002 Raymond and Beverley Sackler Prize in the Physical Sciences. He is the current Chairman of the Editorial Board of the RSC journal Soft Matter.

About the Lecture

The performance of many multi-component materials depends sensitively on their detailed morphology. Structure control on the 10-nm length scale is thought to approach the physical limit of this optimisation procedure. For example, materials for photovoltaics, batteries, supercapacitors, and fuel cells rely on the detailed assembly of several components. Essential for these applications is not only the maximisation of the surface-to-volume ratio but also the inter-connectivity of the constituent phases. Random assemblies of nanoscopic building blocks, while excelling in the first property, offer very little control over the detailed structure formation on the 10-nm length scale.

Organic self-assembly, on the other hand excels in the structural control on the 10-nm length scale, but is limited to organic materials. Here, we employ polymer-self-assembly to construct inorganic material assemblies, with the aim of optimising electronic and optical functionalities for a variety of applications. In particular, this lecture introduces several ways in which the self-assembly of block copolymers can be used to control the structure formation on the 10-nm-scale of organic, inorganic and organic/inorganic composite materials for the manufacture of solar cells and super-capacitors.

The Selby Fellowship

Selby Fellowships are awarded to distinguished overseas scientists to visit to visit scientific centres in Australia. Fellows are expected to increase public awareness of science and scientific issues. The Fellowship is financed through the generosity of the trustees of the Selby Scientific Foundation.

The University of Sydney, Chemistry LT2, Level 1, School of Chemistry,Eastern Avenue New South Wales false DD/MM/YYYY

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11:00 AM February 19, 2014

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