Australia’s science leaders reissue their call for stronger action on climate change

August 21, 2018

The Australian Academy of Science has reissued its call for the Australian Government to use the best available science to guide action on climate change.

The longer Australia delays decisive action towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions the more challenging that action will become.

Even if all the country commitments from the Paris Agreement are met, the best interpretation of the latest data shows that by the end of the century the global climate is likely to be 3°C above pre-industrial levels.

This is substantially higher than the Paris target to limit warming to less than 2°C and would have profound impacts affecting billions of people throughout the world.

The Academy stands ready to assist the Australian Government by continuing to provide sound scientific advice on issues relating to climate change.

The science clearly indicates that avoiding the worst impacts of climate change will require concerted global action to reduce atmospheric carbon.

The Commonwealth Academies of Science Consensus Statement on Climate Change, published earlier this year, represents the consensus views of tens of thousands of scientists. It marks the first time Commonwealth nations have come together to urge their Governments to take further action to achieve net-zero greenhouse gases emissions during the second half of the 21st Century. 

View The Commonwealth Academies of Science Consensus Statement on Climate Change.

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